Saturday, 2019 July 13
I pushed an update this morning (I'm trying to backfill some blog posts I've been woefully late in writing) and discovered that once again a coredns pod had gone south.
% kubectl describe endpoints --namespace=kube-system kube-dns Name: kube-dns Namespace: kube-system Labels: k8s-app=kube-dns Annotations:Subsets: Addresses: NotReadyAddresses: Ports: Name Port Protocol ---- ---- -------- dns 53 UDP dns-tcp 53 TCP metrics 9153 TCP Events: %
Deleting the bad pod (it's recreated automatically) "fixes" the problem for at least some length of time.
This is not something that used to happen, so I suspect some relatively recent update is triggering it. Now that I know what to look for I'm going to start paying much closer attention and see if I can track down the root cause.
Tuesday, 2019 July 09 Saturday, 2019 July 20